CubaPLUS Magazine

Nautical Activities, An Attractive Option

By: Photos by: Publicitur
Nautical Activities, An Attractive Option

Cubás privileged position in the Caribbean Sea makes it an attractive destination for all nautical activities. It is the largest island in the Caribbean with a coastline spanning 5,746km, with more than 200 bays and about 289 natural beaches. The average annual water temperature is 29 Celsius with a visibility that exceeds 30 meters and a seabed of incomparable beauty.

Nautical Activities, An Attractive OptionCuba is an underwater paradise and offers many related sports and fishing activites.

Visitors can enjoy scuba-diving, snorkeling, and three types of life on board activities: sightseeing, diving, fishing or a combination of all three.

Sightseeing is done mainly using sailboats, catamarans or monohulls in the southwestern region of the island from the Felipe Keys up to the eastern end of the Canarreos Archipelago and southeast from Cabo Cruz to Casilda.

Nautical Activities, An Attractive OptionDiving is usually done with motor boats, with a professional crew and at least one diving instructor.

Areas for practicing are located in Los Jardines de la Reina (The Queenás Gardens in English), which has special rules for its use and where commercial fishing is prohibited.

Motor boats are also used for fishing, with a professional crew and fishing guides. The area for practicing this activity (the main style is fly fishing) is at Cayo Caballones, located about 50 miles south of Jardines de la Reina.

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