In today’s economy, Industria Electrónica plays a very important and, it could be said, fundamental role, since it allows for greater production yields and more flexible and diverse production, as well as making energy consumption more efficient.
In the case of Cuba, it is even more important, considering that the island is facing a difficult energy situation, which is why the EIE (Empresa Industria Electrónica) has taken action and is currently in the process of improving and diversifying its production, which could be said to have become a new industry.
In this regard, its General Director, Edel Gómez Gómez, said exclusively to this magazine that the company is currently renovating and resizing its production and services. This is thanks to measures to strengthen the Socialist State Enterprise, adopted some time ago by the country’s Council of Ministers. It grants all economic agents greater autonomy for their management.
These measures, he continued, have meant a great opportunity for businesses, as corporate objectives were expanded and foreign currency accounts were opened, bringing about the possibility of credits. The industries, having better conditions to define their own corporate objectives, can diversify production.
In our industry this has been very important; apart from the household appliances that it has traditionally produced, we were able to enter the field of renewable energy," he said.
Today, our factory is the only one in Cuba that generates 105% of the energy it needs. It works and stays in production because it generates all the electricity it requires with solar energy. This is due to the fact that we have installed 16 photovoltaic panels, with more than 3,400 cells," he explained.
As another line of work, he added, we started to assemble inverters and we looked for other solutions like photovoltaic pumps, which we also assemble. In other words, we continue to expand production and service lines.
An example of this is this factory, which has a photovoltaic pump, the largest in Cuba, to supply 28,000 liters of water at a height of 42 meters, but that pump is not important just because it does not consume energy, but also because it is automated to prevent water wastage," he said.
He further explained that the company has begun installing solar panels to recharge the batteries of tricycles, bicycles and electric cars.
We have fitted solar panels for the Cuban Telecommunications Company, ETECSA, so they can charge their equipment without needing electric current; as well as a photovoltaic park for the Ministry of Tourism and we are installing solar panels in Santa Marta, Varadero, for electric cars for rent. We are also establishing around seven more solar panels in different parts of the country, which will avoid the need to use electric energy," he said.
Gómez Gómez mentioned other actions being taken, such as setting up convenience stores to serve the population, which they intend to also take to other parts of the nation with their own brand.
We are looking at strengthening our brand and making it the one that works best for Cubans. The concept is for EIE to be the company of the Cuban family. We also have plans to use profits to build 40 houses for workers and help in the repair of their homes. In addition, we want to build a 4k movie theater for the community," he said.
The company intends to introduce electric tractors to the country for agricultural work, is working on promoting e-commerce to establish a chain of virtual stores and on the export of photovoltaic pumps —the Dominican Republic has already acquired the first two—, which will contribute to the development of the national economy.
In essence, we have been redirecting our work, without stopping what we did before, the production of household appliances such as televisions, induction stoves, decoder boxes, washing machines. We have been moving towards where the world is going. EIE is a company that goes where the market is going. All of this has given the industry new possibilities. In short, it’s a new Industry," he said finally.
Calle 37, No. 20811, e/ 208 y 212, Rpto. Versalles, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba.
Telf.: +53 7260 8990
Telf.: +53 7260 8991
Telf.: +53 7267 0393