With the premise of producing and offering ecological equipment to the country, the Industrial Company &&Aángel Villarreal Bravo", Minerva, is committed to a sustainable future by marketing equipment that has electric energy as a power source; it maintains and increases its business for tourism investment, Mariel Special Development Zone, import substitution and use of electronic commerce, as well as the recently created stores in freely convertible currency (FCC).
Minerva is sales leader in electronic commerce and FCC stores in the Organización Superior de Dirección Empresarial (OSDE) of the Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Sidero Mecánica (GESIME).
At the end of September, 2 587 electric bicycles, 973 electric tricycles and spare parts of the value of 210,638.60 USD had been sold through e-commerce and stores in FCC, including lithium and lead gel batteries, chargers, electronic boxes, tires and cameras.
It is worth noting that batteries in the equipment already on the market are lead gel and lithium iron phosphate with an electric protection circuit to prevent fires in vehicles. None of the equipment sold have had accidents of this type. The Asociación Económica Internacional (AEI VEDCA) is currently being set up in Havana, an investment to assemble electric cycles, which will increase the capacity of assembly and multiply their supply. The center is in its final phase and in the fourth quarter of the current year it will receive the technological equipment with a view to starting operations at the end of 2020.
They are also working to commercialize batteries, as there are many electric bicycles running on Cuba that do not have spare parts secured.
Meanwhile, the product on the shelf is in high demand due to investments in tourism; especially with the developer Almest, by 2021 the demand will have tripled.
It is a commodity with 100% national integration in its manufacture and substitutes imports. Work is being done to improve technological equipment through small investments in production processes.
- Mechanical bicycles
- Wheelchair
- Electric tricycles
- Electric tricycle for the elderly
- Electric motorcycles
- Electric quadricycles
With its products, Minerva also serves two of the country’s programs with great impact on the population.
- Housing program with doors
- Health Care Program with wheelchairs
Empresa Industrial &&Aángel Villarreal Bravo", Minerva
Calle C No. 11 e/ Circunvalación Norte y carretera a Planta Mecánica, reparto Riviera, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
Phone: +53(42) 291 554
Email: eliel@ciclocentro.co.cu
Website: www.compra-dtodo.com