With a highly professional, committed and constantly improving expert team, this company directed by General Director Roylan Agustin Pérez Sánchez has a long history of efficiency and proven professionalism in marketing steel products, causing ACINOX COMERCIAL, belonging to the Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Sidero Mecánica (GESIME) of the Ministerio de Industrias (MINDUS), to be recognized in both the national and international markets.
When talking with Roylan, he shares the following from his personal experience: &We promote the exports of products and services of the companies in the industrial sector. In all these years, in Central America and the Caribbean, as well as Europe and Asia. ACINOX COMERCIAL has been responsible for the exports of products offered by the island’s metallurgical industries (steel and its derivatives, and others), backed by 40 years of guaranteed quality, while being responsible for ensuring the importation of raw materials, machinery, equipment and other necessary supplies, as well as advice and technical assistance on their application".
Similarly, with its presence in all the provinces through a business network and a highly professional, experienced and committed workforce, it has been the nationwide supplier of steel derivatives and electrical conductors coming out of GESIME plants or imported, as well as products and equipment for investments and industrial maintenance, with which it has responded to the country’s priority programs and boosted the wholesale market for state companies and other forms of non-government, environmental and community management.
Calle 37, No. 20811, e/ 208 y 212, Rpto. Versalles, La Lisa, La Habana, Cuba. Phone: (+53) 7 260 8990, 7 260 8991, 7 267 0393, Fax: (+53) 7 267 7501 E-mail: acinox@steels-net.cu www.steels-net.cu Facebook: www.facebook.com/acinoxcomercial