Envametal is Cuba’s leading producer of metal containers. As a mixed Cuban-foreign enterprise, Envametal’s portfolio covers varied strategic projects including cigar tubes, drinks cans, pilfer-proof lids and guala closures for bottles, five-gallon tins and quart and gallon sized paint tins.
With the new Cuban foreign investment laws, new projects are in the pipeline to target import substitution, maximise production potential and encourage investment.
These include designs for new metal containers that are not yet produced in Cuba, for instance cone-shaped cans that facilitate savings in storage and inter-provincial transport logistics.
Envametal has been working on an investment process since 2008, and since 2012 on a tin container program using modern electrical welding technology, creating highly competitive, high quality containers and diversifying the range of available sizes. This has particularly benefitted the food industry allowing foods to be preserved at harvest times for use in times of shortage.
In 2018 a palletising machine was imported in order to increase the speed of small container production from 160 to 400 per minute along with the necessary personnel training to ensure the equipment functions optimally.
Further specialist machinery was acquired to improve the quality of aluminium products such as the buckets, milk cans and sieves that are important for the agricultural industry, as well as welding machines.
Envametal’s containers are used by clients for the export of products such as honey, citrus concentrates and pine resins for the European market. The production of other secondary products is being revived, including spice containers, shoe-polish containers and others.
The Conformat factory in Matanzas manufactures 10kg gas cylinders helping to curb imports, with two plants and a wellqualified workforce committed to the organisation. The company’s vision encompasses exploring the possibility of exporting Envametal products to ensure sufficient cashflow to maintain the technical equipment with the required spare parts and consumables that require a liquidity that the company does not have today.
The Marcel Bravo factory in Santiago de Cuba produces other structural and cast iron products playing an important role in fundamental national development projects such as the Havana airport extension and the ZED Mariel special development zone.
Contact US: Calzada vieja de Guanabacoa No. 14ª12 e/ calle D y Balear. Rpto. Los &Aángeles, San Miguel del Padrón, La Habana, Cuba. Tlf: (+53) 7691 6511 (+53) 7691 7645 Email: envametal@eem.com.cu Facebook: Envases-Y-Recipientes- Metalicos-Envametal