CubaPLUS Magazine

INPUD marks its 56th Anniversary

By: Cubaplus
INPUD marks its 56th Anniversary

Characterized today for producing highly competitive items and having excellent human capital, the Industria Nacional Productora de Utensilios Domésticos (INPUD) is today the main &ally" of Cuban households, being the main producer of domestic utensils in the country.

Founded in 1964 by heroic guerrilla Ernesto &Che" Guevara, then Minister of Industry, in the city of Santa Clara, in the center of the island, the fledgling factory began initially by training young people from sugar mills (factories) to convert them into technicians and skilled workers, who would be the central pillar of the entity’s workforce.

Subsequently, INPUD, as it is known throughout the world, would quickly begin to supply Cuban households with various utensils, whose production contributed significantly to import substitution. Marisel Montero Lago, General Director, explained that the company is subordinate to the Ministerio de Industrias (MINDUS) and integrated to the Organización Superior de Dirección Empresarial (OSDE) and several of the products are based on the recovery of raw materials.

Main sectors and clients supplied by INPUD: • Home: doors, sinks, electrical sockets, switches, electrical junction boxes. • Kitchen: electric cookers, pressure cookers, gas cookers, kerosene cookers, industrial cookers. • Energy saving : gaskets, spare parts for electric pressure cookers. •Tourism: disposable products • Pork industry: industrial biogas stoves. • Shop chains: fans, electric cookers, pressure cookers , gas cookers electric junction boxes, outlets and switches. • Public health service: Refrigerators, freezers and fans. • Domestic market: Refrigerators, kerosene stoves, spare parts. • Sugar Industry: electric junction boxes, wáter boxes, freezers, drinkers, refrigerators, fans and sinks. • Educations: industrial kitchens and water boxes.

Also", she continued, &we work to strengthen our presence at home through sales to hard currency stores and other market sectors, promoting import substitution and increasing competitiveness in the domestic and international markets"

Legal address at Carretera Central Km 298 y Avenida Calixto García, Santa Clara, Villa Clara. Phone: +53 5279 9520 +53 5217 2491 Email:

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