CubaPLUS Magazine

Green Hat Vintage Old School Charm

By: Photographer: Moník Molinet/ La Pistola de Moník, Models: Anel Cheyla / CubaModela, MUA & Hair Style: Pavel Marrero, Stylist: Yohana Díaz / Green Hat Vintage, Production: Day García
Green Hat Vintage Old School Charm

Mexican designer Yohana Díaz Flores started out designing interiors and now devotes herself to something she is even more passionate about: upcycling vintage clothing, recreating a universe that takes us back to the charms of times past.

Green Hat Vintage Old School Charm

Since March 2013 she has headed her own online business, Green Hat Vintage, that rescues pieces from the 1920s to the 1990s, highlighting the quality of workmanship with which they were made and the love with which they were worn, accentuating their historical importance.

Yohana, who lives in Guadalajara, Mexico, told CubaPlus that she was drawn to old things since she was a child. Her aunt and uncle were avid readers and she grew up surrounded by their old books, which she loved to read sitting by her grandmother’s 1950s sewing machine. &I rediscovered my love for vintage one day when I found a beautiful 1960s yellow leather trench coat at a market," she said. &From that moment on I took to visiting flea markets and buying these magical pieces as a hobby. I never thought I’d end up making a living from rescuing these historical gems."

What do you like most about your work? &One [of the things I like most] is the discovery, I love knowing and imagining what I might find. Seeing textiles and embroidery made with such passion is incredibly hypnotic. Another part of my work I love is uncovering the secrets each piece might hold. It might be beautiful buttons, or the way a previous owner used the piece or appreciating the perfection of the tailoring. The final thing I adore about my work is fixing up the pieces so they can relive their former glory."

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