Esterio Segura Mora is an artist who does not recognize barriers between techniques when creating, with admirable mastery, his art; whether using photography, engraving, painting, drawing and/or sculpture. The truth of this is evident in his extensive and diverse works.
With a solid academic preparation in Cuba, strengthened with art residencies in Canada, Germany, the UK and the USA, this 41-year old artist is now working on several projects. Two of them are Homemade Submarines, to be shown at the next Biennial of Arts in Havana (May-June 2012) and Goodbye My Love, to be exhibited at the Havana airport. Segura is equally busy preparing solo exhibitions. One of the outstanding works of this young Cuban artist is a series of utilitarian objects: typewriters, sewing machines, suitcases, an old cash register, locked in cages reflecting the frustration of the philosophical existence of things," Segura explained during an interview with Cubaplus.
The artist also uses popular characters such as Pinocchio or his collection of old cars to conceptualize the idea he wishes to convey in his work. Aware of the importance of technical training, Segura began studying art at age 12, first in elementary school in Camaguuml;ey, later in the middle levels in that same province of eastern Cuba, and fi nally at Havanarsquo;s Higher Institute of Arts. As part of his known early works are the sculptures that appeared in the 1994 Cuban fi lm, Strawberry and Chocolate, directed by Tomás Gutierrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabio, which has traveled the world with great critical acclaim and was nominated for the best foreign fi lm at the American Academy Awards. His work has been exhibited in numerous galleries in Cuba, the US, France, Spain, Germany, UK, Brazil, Costa Rica and Canada.
In addition, some of his pieces are part of valuable art collections in Havanarsquo;s National Fine Arts Museum, Latin American Art Museum of the University of Essex, UK, MOMA in New York, the University of Arizona Museum, as well as in private collections in Holland, México, Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, Argentina, Italy, Israel, Spain, Canada and South Africa.
Among his works are Lost Luggage, No todo lo que vuela se come (Everything that Flies is not to be Eaten), Todos quisieron volar (All Wanted to Fly), De este lado del puente (On this Side of the Bridge), Contra la pared (Against the Wall), Espacio ocupado por un sueño (Space Occupied by a Dream), Birds and fi sh in the freezer and Lo secreto (The Secret). With numerous plans and ideas, this Cuban artist is continuing his creative work, focusing particularly now on sculpture, drawing and installation.