CubaPLUS Magazine

Liza Camilo: New Yorker/Cuba or Cuba/New Yorker

By: Mercy Ramos / Photos: Courtesy of the interviewee
Liza Camilo: New Yorker/Cuba or Cuba/New Yorker

Born in New York a little over four decades ago, this outstanding photographer, daughter of Latinos, has so much love for Cuba that it is impossible to say for sure if she is a New Yorker/Cuban or vice versa.
Liza Camilo: New Yorker/Cuba or Cuba/New Yorker
Although she only got to know the island seven years ago, she insists that such was the impact of her contact with this land that she automatically fell in love with it, but, deep down, this may also be caused by the Latin blood running through her veins. The idiosyncrasy of Latinos always prevails in some way.

I was born in New York to a Cuban mother and a Dominican father. At home, my parents made sure I knew where they came from. Summers were always spent in the Dominican Republic with my family, but my dream of visiting Cuba, where my mother was born and raised, was always present. At the age of 40, I finally made that dream come true," she said, in an exclusive interview granted to this magazine.
Liza Camilo: New Yorker/Cuba or Cuba/New Yorker
Her love for the largest of the Antilles has made her want to photograph the country in all its dimensions and she added: &I see its wide range of beauty, from the dynamic Cuban people and culture to a nation rich in history. The country is still developing, but sometimes it feels like it’s stuck in time with its antique cars and humble ways. With all these different facets, I feel Cuba is an empty canvas with so much beauty and richness to explore and capture."

For Liza, photography is like reading a novel without words, as it allows her to transport herself to the moment of capturing the image over and over again. Perhaps that was one of the reasons that drove her to change her work in the fashion world for the art of light.

When I look through the lens of my camera I feel passion. My inner creativity awakens and quickly lights a fire inside me. No matter what the subject matter, the moment I work, the bond of my love story with my craft is unbreakable. I feel very fortunate to have found my life’s work, my camera - my partner - and together we create beauty, magic and art," she said.

I see photography as a language allowing people to communicate through images, she said: &I think it’s a form of self-expression, my vision, my angle; when people look at my work they can see something they would never have imagined. I think it allows them to silently capture a glimpse of my heart."

Liza has no preference for any one subject as she is always looking for opportunities to learn more and immerse herself in different styles. &While I enjoy a wide variety of genres, I would say I am most drawn to architecture, travel and portraiture. Lately I’ve been exploring surrealist photography.

It’s an eclectic photographic art that combines the real and the imagined, which has been fun," she said.
Liza Camilo: New Yorker/Cuba or Cuba/New Yorker
This acclaimed artist has many plans for the future. In addition to traveling to Iceland to capture as many images as possible, as she believes there is much to see, she is working on a book compiling shots of classic American cars, frozen in Cuban history, due for release in 2023.

There are so many different opportunities to capture beauty, whether it’s a wedding, spending time with my children or traveling to a new place, as I love to travel. I can’t put my camera down since the world is my canvas, my lens is my paintbrush," she finished.


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