CubaPLUS Magazine


By: Ciro Bianchi Ross Photos: CubaPLUS

Federico Reiners graduated from the Higher Institute of Art in Havana and has been working professionally as a designer for many years. Although he feels more comfortable with design, his involvement with photography started in his student years and he has a great passion for it.

I met Freddy several years ago when we worked together on a multimedia project. Then some months ago, he invited me to see some of his recent work. His latest work, including some of the images we present here, deals mainly with photography of 180 and 360 degrees.

MicroworldHis "Microworld" series has attracted the greatest attention in these exhibitions. Microworld consists of small "planets", each with its own geography for the people living in the area.

I was pleased to learn that Freddy has received several awards for his beautiful work.

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