FARMACUBA is the import-export company of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries of Cuba (BioCubaFarma), integrated to the Higher Organization of Business Management (OSDE), with demonstrated experience, commitment and environmental responsibility.
In view of the country’s new economic and commercial strategy drawn up to promote the development of the business sector and considering the vision of setting a national and international reference in the pharmaceutical sector, the organization is immersed in an improvement process that includes, among other tasks, the upgrading of its institutional image.
To do this, FARMACUBA has just launched its new visual identity, a project that began in development in 2019 with methodical work from the company’s communicators and a team of designers with prior experience in the Cuban biopharmaceutical sector.
For this purpose, several distinctive elements of the organization were taken into account, such as its company objective, the main markets with which it interacts, technological processes and new resources that set current trends in graphic design.
The spaces where the company delivers its main institutional communications were considered, and, from that, applications were designed for each segment. Likewise, an essential aspect of visual identification was considered: the durability that any graphic brand must have in order to last through time.
In this sense, the graphic design of the new isotype is based on the reasons previously specified. This appears repeated in such a way that it forms a cross, a symbol internationally associated with health and the medical system.
For this project, company management, together with the communication and design team, held a series of training meetings with employees to update them on the change implemented and convey to them the commitment demanded by corporate positioning, watchwords of FARMACUBA.
Central Office: +53 7212 5796 - 99
Calle 70. No 29B14 entre 29B y 29C. Buenavista. Playa, La Habana, Cuba.
Exports: +53 7204 7258
Imports: +53 7204 7257
Commercial Office: +53 7214 4461- 63
Calle 6 No. 1103 entre 11 y 14 Miramar, Playa, La Habana, Cuba.
Twitter: @farmacuba1 / Facebook: Farmacuba FC