CubaPLUS Magazine

Santiago de Cuba exhibits Notable Results in Scientific Research

Santiago de Cuba exhibits Notable Results in Scientific Research

The team of the Territorial Program for the Development of Health Products and Services in Santiago de Cuba exhibits notable results with high added value of science, in which the research of the entities of Science, Technology  and Innovation of the territory stand out with a degree of application, certification, and registration.

09-santiago-cuba-research-results-01.jpgThe implementation of these validation mechanisms developed in the projects to boost efficiency and innovation in the field of health, taking advantage of technologies and products generated for the provision of services.

Among its main achievements is the technological package for the monitoring of patients with sickle cell anemia with the use of technologies (methods, models, and software) developed by researchers from scientific centers (Medical Biophysics and University of Medical Sciences).

This result positively influences the determination of indicators using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the determination of viscosity in blood plasma, blood serum, and hemoglobin solution. It is unique in the world and associated with the development of this Cuban technology.

It is currently being introduced in the hematology service of the Juan Bruno Zayas Clinical Surgical Hospital for the study and monitoring of sickle cell anemia and multiple myeloma, as well as in the Mariana Grajales Cuello Southern Maternity Hospital, the Tamara Bunke Northern Maternity Hospital, and the Camilo Torres Polyclinic, which allows for the study of the causes of anemia, risk of preeclampsia eclampsia, and intrauterine growth retardation.

This result is articulated with the system for peripheral vascular studies, a technology that consists of two wireless sensors that communicate with a tablet via Bluetooth communication. It is a new version of the ANGIODIN photoplethysmograph that allows for extracting information about the hemodynamic processes and making evaluations of the peripheral vascular system, applied in the angiology service, and provides new possibilities for determining blood oxygen saturation.

The effective implementation of the results of the Territorial Health Program contributes to driving the country’s digital health, hence the robotic system, creating low-cost technology for its insertion and exploitation in muscular rehabilitation rooms of hospitals and clinics in the territory.

The achievements that the Territorial Health Program shows today contributes to a significant change in the health ecosystem in which technological innovation prevails to provide a higher quality of life for citizens.

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