CubaPLUS Magazine

CubaPLUS Magazine Vol.24

CubaPLUS Magazine Vol.24 Download

We are delighted to present you with a very special issue this winter. Many of our readers have heard about the wonderful beach resort of Varadero, but are unfamiliar with the nearby city of Matanzas. Learn about why this beautiful colonial city is known as the 'Cuban Athens,' and find out about some of the many interesting places it has to explore. Visit the city's unique pharmacy museum, take in a concert at the historic Teatro Sauto, stroll across one of its many bridges, and enjoy some of the province's natural wonders, such as the Bellamar Caves and Montemar Natural Park.

One of the most important events in Cuba is the Havana International Trade Fair, and its organizers say the 2012 edition was the largest in the last 10 years. Learn about how business relations between Cuba and Canada are becoming increasingly stronger, which was reflected in the dozens of Canadian companies that participated in the fair for the first time. Not only is Cuba an attractive market, it also continues to draw investors.

Another exciting event is the 2012 International Arts and Crafts Festival, which takes place in Havana every December. This much-anticipated show and commercial fair brings together artists, designers and their creations from all over the world, especially Latin America. Basketwork, fabrics, costume jewelry, ceramics, shoes, gold and silver articles, fine arts, fashion shows and more are all part of this fiesta, and provide a little piece of culture for everyone to take home.

As always, we bring you information about Cuba's ongoing developments in health care. In this issue, learn about how the CIMEQ medical center's pain clinic successfully uses innovative pain management techniques, winning national and international prestige for its outstanding work in this area.

"Yo sí puedo" means 'Yes, I Can' and it is the name of the adult literacy program that Cuba has shared with the world, teaching more than six million people in 28 countries how to read and write. Learn how Cuba wiped out illiteracy in its own country, and how its education system has met and surpassed the goals of the UNESCO "Education for All" Program.

It would be unthinkable to come to Cuba without enjoying its music, and in this issue, we give you an overview of the emblematic rumba and one of the island's best-known bands: Pachito Alonso y sus Kini Kini. Cubaplus brings you an exclusive interview with this popular musician.

One of the special features of this edition is our article on José Martí, Cuba's national hero and one of the greatest poets and writers of the Americas. The article is the first in a series that we will be running on Martí to honor the fact that 2013 marks the 160th anniversary of his birth.

Once again, we thank you, dear readers, for sharing in our enjoyment and delight in this beautiful country and its people, and we invite you to share your experiences with us!

Articles in this edition:

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