CubaPLUS Magazine

ACOREC S.A., fruitful days at ExpoCaribe 2023

By: Cubaplus Magazine
Jun 25, 2023
ACOREC S.A., fruitful days at ExpoCaribe 2023

The Contracting Agency for Commercial Representations ACOREC S.A. actively participated during the 18th edition of ExpoCaribe 2023, in which it held numerous meetings with national and foreign entities.

According to information offered by its General Director, Eng. Elcira Arencibia Villa, the exhibition, second most important of its kind in the country and for your company, offers the possibility of exchanging with different national and international entities, mainly from the region of the Caribbean, with the aim of increasing exports of services professionals and technicians.

On this occasion, added the executive, we promoted the services provided by ACOREC S.A. and, in addition, we were able to strengthen ties with Cuban entities with the objective of achieving strategic alliances that allow us to achieve better results. In the same way, the appointment allowed us to identify foreign businessmen who need the support of highly-prepared technical-professional specialists from the country and a great commitment to contribute to the economic development of the island.

Finally, it meant that they received several of the new players in the MSME economy, Non-Agricultural Cooperatives (CNA), and self-employed workers interested in knowing everything related to services that we lend for export, which shows there is a high potential in this sector. With more than three decades of experience, ACOREC S.A. is in charge in Cuba of providing selection and contracting services for the supply of workforce, required by foreign entities based in Cuba or abroad.

The 18th edition of the ExpoCaribe 2023 International Fair closed its doors today in Santiago de Cuba, after four days of activities, including conferences, business forums, and product presentations, with the presence of representatives of the sector from nearly 30 countries of the Caribbean, Latin America, and Europe.

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