CubaPLUS Magazine

Canada Celebrates Independence Day

By: CubaPLUS Magazine
Jul 01, 2024
Canada Celebrates Independence Day

Today, Canada Day in English or Fête du Canada in French, is the date that marks the independence of that country from Great Britain, with the adoption of the British North America Act, the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario.

This happened 157 years ago, on July 1, 1867, and on this day every year Canadians celebrate the sense of belonging and commemorate the successes and achievements obtained throughout the entire history of that country, the second largest in the world, whose ethnic, linguistic and culture turned it into an inclusive and open state.

Originally, that day was called “Dominion Day”, as it was the name that nation had, when it was part of the British Empire and which was changed to “Canada Day” in October 1982.

Outdoor parades and parties, music, typical Canadian food and drinks, street performers and fireworks at night will liven up the celebration that extends to practically all cities in the country.

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