CubaPLUS Magazine

Country Brand Council established in Cuba

By: CubaPLUS Magazine
Jul 23, 2024
Country Brand Council established in Cuba

The Country Brand Council was officially established this Monday, during a solemn ceremony held at the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, which also received the status of brand ambassador for being a flagship hotel facility in the largest of the Antilles.

The first vice president of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators, Humberto Juan Fabián Suárez, was appointed as head of the council by the president of the Institute of Information and Social Communication, Alfonso Noya. This structure is responsible for the use of the brand, its promotion, protection, administration, control and defense. In turn, it will control both in the country and abroad the proper use of the authorizations issued and will promote their use for the national and international positioning.

Likewise, it has its own legal personality and is part of the Institute of Information and Social Communication, an agency of the Central Administration of the State that complies, among other functions, the management of the Image and the Brand, by virtue of a Decree of the Council of Ministers. The Council is also made up of representatives of various organizations, including the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, and Tourism (Mintur), as well as the Chamber of Commerce, the Cuban offices of Design, Standardization, and Industrial Property, and the Association of Social Communicators.

During the activity, the Minister of Tourism, Juan Carlos García Granda received a recognition for the work carried out by Mintur in promoting a brand for distinguish the origin of offers and institutional actions.

The Country Brand, whose Decree was approved by the Council of Ministers in 2021, establishes the regulations that govern its use and functioning and constitutes an official sign whose ownership corresponds to the Cuban State. It is made up of a red triangle with the lone star white in the center, followed by the word Cuba in blue and a capital initial letter.

Also attending the ceremony were the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, and other government authorities.

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