CubaPLUS Magazine

Cuba hosts National Congress of Urology

By: CubaPLUS Magazine
Mar 28, 2024
Cuba hosts National Congress of Urology

The 22nd National Congress of Urology of Cuba begins in Havana on Thursday with the participation of delegates from several countries aimed at exchanging experiences to improve patient care.

The organizing committee told Prensa Latina that specialists from Latin America, Europe, and the host country are meeting at Hotel Nacional de Cuba until Saturday, March 30, to discuss pediatric and adult reconstructive urological surgery.

The delegates will also debate oncology, breakthroughs in surgical techniques, the therapeutics of urinary lithiasis, and aspects linked to sexual and reproductive health, among other issues.

Tania González, president of the organizing committee, said at a press briefing that previous to the opening of the conclave, courses were held on Urological disorders in women, Scientific research and dissemination of study results, and Complex urethral surgery, The Congress’ first day includes keynote speeches on reconstructive surgery in pediatric patients, plastic surgery of the urethra, urological reconstruction, and oncological diseases of the urinary tract, Mariano Castillo, president of the scientific committee, noted.

According to Castillo, who is also the vice president of the Cuban Society of Urology, with the selected topics and the quality of the national and foreign speakers, the aim of the Congress, which is the scientific updating of Cuban urologists, will be achieved.

(With information and photos from Prensa Latina)

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