CubaPLUS Magazine

Cuba, Spain advocate for Expanding Cooperation on Education

By: Cubaplus courtesy: Prensa Latina
Jul 09, 2019
Cuba, Spain advocate for Expanding Cooperation on Education

The Spanish Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities, Pedro Francisco Duque, advocated on Monday in Havana for strengthening relations with Cuba, based on a strong cultural and humanistic tradition.

During a working visit, Duque stressed the importance of signing a memorandum of understanding between his agency and the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education (MES), which, he said, will open new avenues of cooperation.

It is essential to have a framework that allows us to do more activities and put them on the agendas of both countries, he He also congratulated the Spanish and Cuban rectors, 'who, for years and despite the difficulties, have reached agreements and praiseworthy results'. The Spanish Minister arrived in Cuba the day before, accompanied by specialists and officials, and attended with them a meeting with the rectors of several centres of higher learning, including the University of Havana, the University of Computer Sciences, the University of Pedagogical Sciences Enrique Jose Varona and the University of Sciences of Physical Culture and Sport Manuel Fajardo. During the meeting, the president of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities, Jose Carlos Gomez, urged to provide greater strength to relations in the sector and stressed the importance of a joint graduate school.

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