As if we were on the outskirts of the beautiful city of Trinidad, located in the center of Cuba, about 5 km from its legendary network, there is El Cubano Natural Park, a place that does not forget its history, but adds the seductive charms of life outdoors, in direct contact with nature.
Proposing an offer that invites you to practice hiking, very rewarding if the guidelines of the guides are followed to counteract the effects of the sun and heat typical of the region, the hiker will always receive the pleasure of reaching a place where to cool off in delicious pools and murmuring waterfalls, in the middle of a splendid landscape and careful attention in culinary services or a light meal.
Also attractive is opting for horseback riding. If you wish to be a rider on the roads of the Cuban countryside, equally led by experts. Going to the El Cubano Natural Park is not only about contacting nature, like we said. Very close to the banks of the Guaynabo River and only about two km long, the park has the ranchón “Los Almendros”, equipped with a bar and restaurant. And the Cimarrones trail by Javira.
It is advisable to start the hike by going to the Imprint of History, along whose path graphic information is provided, placed in panels, about the history of those places, a land in full bloom fundamentally throughout the 19th century, made a reality by the rise of the Cuban sugar industry. In the midst of natural beauties, it is extremely pleasant to receive such interesting information that explains many of the features of the architecture and traditions of the area.
The so-called Salto de Javira, a sparkling waterfall where the traveler will be able to increase his well-being with baths and recreational activities. One of the best things about this offer is that it also allows to contact farmers residing in the area, chat with them in their environment, learn about some of their customs and traditions and see first-hand their cordiality.
With the proximity of characteristic forests of the mountainous area of Cuba. In those parts, it is natural to hear the trilling of songbirds of beautiful shapes and color, whose capture is prohibited to protect them from extinction.