CubaPLUS Magazine

Havanatur receives 15,000 travelers from Russian company Rosneft

By: CubaPLUS Magazine Fotos: Cortesia de Havanatur
Oct 30, 2023
Havanatur receives 15,000 travelers from Russian company Rosneft

The International Group of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies Havanatur SA. received this Saturday passenger 15 thousandth from Rosneft, a Russian company dedicated to the oil sector, which for several years now, has been developing programs in Cuba to promote a policy of well-being and quality of life of its workers, as part of its tourism project and corporate business.

Rosnetf, one of the largest companies in the Russian nation, began operations with Havanatur since 2014 and selected Varadero, the destination's main sun and beach Cuban hub to develop this type of program, aimed at workers and family members, who enjoy a stay full of outdoor physical activities, excursions, medical check-ups and other related to the conservation and care of the environment, pillars of health, quality and well-being policy to enrich life.

Every year groups from Rosneft arrive in Cuba in spring and autumn, sinces they began operations through Havanatur Russia, the initiative was taken responsibly by the tour operator as official recipient, in favor of satisfying the expectations of the oil company, whose objectives are aimed at increasing standards of living and health through activities in natural settings, something that has been welcomed by the Russian firm in all these years and for which the groups have increased from 2023.

The 15 thousandth passenger who arrived in Cuba through the ¨Juan Gualberto Gómez¨ airport terminal in Varadero, is Maksin Gagarin, a 12-year-old boy, who was surprised to be feted and officially communicated by the Havanatur Group upon his arrival to the island, a country that he had a lot of desire to know, as he expressed it.

Havanatur is the International Group of Tour Operators and Travel Agencies, leader in the promotion and marketing of Cuban tourist products, with a receptive service of excellence and personalized assistance, which guarantee high customer satisfaction, which is backed by a team of prestigious professionals with more than 40 years of experience.

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