The Third Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fair, taking place now at the Pabexpo exhibition grounds until tomorrow, Friday, features the display of innovative equipment from the Electronic Industry Company (EIE) Comandante Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán, considered today to be at the forefront of the sector.
Regarding this, CubaPLUS Magazine interviewed the General Director of the entity, Edel Gómez Gómez, who referred to the work the company is doing in favor of achieving energy efficiency, also aimed at preserving the environment.
For us, he said, it is very important to be here at the fair, because we can show the work we do in this regard, “since without a doubt the country is moving towards a change in the energy matrix and in this change, all actors have to participate and all the ministries to achieve, as desired, 24% in the use of renewable energy by 2030,” he said.
Our company has deployed numerous efforts in this regard with the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the industries and institutions in different centers of the country, and with this we have been able to generate energy from the sun, he said.
On the other hand, he continued, we have begun to work on the demand. We are talking about using solar pumps to extract water for livestock, for industry and human consumption. That is, the pump itself from panels is capable of doing that, which has turned into a saving of non-renewable energy.
“Today the world is moving towards the use of electric vehicles, not only in terms of energy, but also in terms of not using fuel. Today, our company has 35 electric vehicles to distribute goods and a group of cars that are electric and are charged at the solineras, stations similar to gas stations, but they supply electrons from the sun, this is also our contribution in that sense,” he explained.
There are also electric tractors. In Cuba we already have electric tractors and they are beginning to play a fundamental role, just like cars. Therefore, the presence of electronics is fundamental in electricity generation, because we work assembling inverters, photovoltaic pumps, tractors, but, in addition, I see the future of the country based on solar energy, because every day the sun rises and we have an average of 6 hours a day at its maximum efficiency and, something important, with it we can have clean energy, he assured.
Founded five decades ago as a producer and marketer of household appliances under the ATEC brand, for four years now the EIE has had as its new strategic line, the promotion of energy savings and the development of renewable energy, examples of which are the equipment presented at this exhibition, including the electric tractor and the motorized bikes.