CubaPLUS Magazine

From Russia with... tourist to Holguín

By: Charly Morales Valido
Jan 09, 2018
From Russia with... tourist to Holguín

Nordwin Airlines trust in Holguín as a tempting destination for Russian tourists. Therefore, this carrier will fly a charter every 10 days to that easter province of Cuba, with over 300 passengers brought by Pegas Touristikquién agency.

The company aims to explode the routes around the so-called City of Parks; Russian lovers of trekking, beachs, hitch-hicking and culture will have plenty of guides which work mainly with guests from hotels Club Amigo and Brisas Guardalavaca.

The eastern branch of Cubanacan Travel Agency is training workers in Russian language skills to strenghten this promising market. Besides, a TV channel will be broadcasting specially for this visitors.

Russian tourism love nature and sea options, so they can use the routes created by Marina Marlin from Ocean and Island Paradise, with tours overnight to Gibara and Santiago de Cuba.

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