Pa'que flujazz at our rhythm is the slogan of the imminent 39th edition of the Jazz Plaza International Festival that will feature the participation of the most outstanding Cuban exponents of that musical genre, as well as 66 musical groups, 92 North American and professionals from other nations.In a press conference held this Tuesday at the National Hotel of Cuba, musician Bobby Carcassés, considered the main architect of this important quote, pointed out that this event is one of Cuba's great achievements. Later, the 2012 National Music Award said that this meeting will take place in the most important stages of Havana and Santiago de Cuba, respectively, starting next January 21 and until January 28.
During the first day of the event at the capital's Teatro National recital Amada Música, by maestro Joaquín Betancourt, which will celebrate the 15 years of the Jazz Band and 50 years of artistic life of this artist, National Music Award 2019.
On the other hand, on that same day in Santiago de Cuba the opening of the event will be conducted by the pianist Nachito Herrera together with the Symphony Orchestra of that province and guests from various areas of eastern Cuba. Likewise, as part of the festival, the International Colloquium will be held «Leonardo Acosta in Memoriam», with the participation of specialists, students, jazz and industry professionals, who will discuss on the presence of the piano in that genre in panels, workshops and master classes.Another of the anticipated moments will, without a doubt, be the presentation of Apparatus in the Avellaneda room in Havana, as part of the closing, new creation of the National Ballet of Cuba. In this regard, the company's General Director, Viengsay Valdés, expressed that ¨historically, the National Ballet of Cuba has collaborated with Cuban composers and choreographers; works that finally integrate the repertoire of our company¨.
¨Roberto Fonseca has had the courtesy of creating a piece that Raúl Reinoso has worked on, with our dancers. The result can be seen at the closing of this event that pays tribute to us and in which we feel honored to participate¨. In turn, Raúl Reinoso, choreographer and dancer of Acosta Danza, meant that ¨Apparatus is a work in progress, which intends to transcend the ideal stage to immerse yourself in the personal and subjective dimension of the dancers. It is the engine that produces the movements and the aesthetics that lie in the interior of the subject participating in the creative process. It is a piece that invites the viewer to interact and get to know the individual from intimacy with his peculiarities, religions, preferences... In short, similar.``
On this occasion, the festival will also honor outstanding musicians Cubans like Bola de Nieve, Miguelito Cuní and César “Pupy” Pedroso.