CubaPLUS Magazine

Sugar Industry's Role in Latin American Integration Noted

By: Cubaplus courtesy: Prensa Latina
Jun 25, 2019
Sugar Industry's Role in Latin American Integration Noted

The importance of the sugar industry as a factor for Latin American integration was highlighted at the opening session of the 15th International Meeting on Sugarcane and Byproducts (Diversification 2019), which is being attended by nearly 400 experts from 20 countries.

When opening the forum on Monday, the general director of the Cuban Institute for Research on Sugarcane Byproducts (ICIDCA), Arodis Caballero, explained that the agri-industry contributes to that purpose, as it is an example of common tradition and the existence of knowledge, technologies and production of equipment. According to Caballero, the nations in the region need to achieve efficiency and competitiveness in processes and products, for which innovation, as an indispensable element, deserves a higher hierarchy. The expert added that the sugarcane agri-industry needs a revalorization of all components in the value chain. An example, he mentioned the program to build bioelectric plants using biomass. The ICIDCA director also noted the decisive participation of the agri-industry in the country's food sovereignty. Among the topics to be debated at the forum, being held at Havana's Hotel Nacional until Friday, are animal feed, biological products, environment, energy, sugarcane genetics, Cuba's sugarcane development program, and South-South cooperation.

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