Brea¨d is a staple food in the lives of people in almost every country in the world, which is why it should not be missing from the daily diet.
In Cuba, as in many nations, it is essential for breakfast and even for many it cannot be missing from meals or snacks ¨Los tres gallegos¨, dedicated to the production and sale of bread and sweets. “With a lot of effort,” he said in an interview given to this publication, “four years ago we created this family Mipyme for the production of bread and sweets, a task that has been a tradition in our family and has been passed down from generation to generation: grandfather, children and grandchildren.” The name says it all: The three Galicians, because my grandfather was a descendant of Spaniards, specifically from Galicia, he clarified. We produce a total of 14 varieties of bread and 50 varieties of sweets, including Italian, Spanish, French, seeded bread, sesame bread and many others, especially with whole wheat flour so that they are healthy.
We do not use any type of sweetener or yeast. We do it by mixing flours so that they are healthy and be consumed by anyone, he explained. As for sweets, one of the most popular foods on the island, they make pastries, donuts and many others, highly demanded by the population, especially children. When answering a question about the places where their products are sold, he pointed out that they are mainly intended for tourism, especially in several cities in Matanzas, as well as having already expanded sales to the population.
At present, he continued, we are managing distribution in the Varadero resort and, in the near future, we intend to also market our products in the capital. The Three Galicians have just participated with a stand, where their exquisite products were exhibited, in the recently concluded 14th Varadero Gourmet International Festival and, referring to the event, he said: “I am very satisfied with the festival, an opportunity that has been given to the non-state sector and we are willing to continue working according to the needs of the country.”
Finally, he announced they hope to participate for the 5th time in the next Havana International Fair, next November, where it will once again be a good opportunity to show their products and, therefore, explore new business possibilities. The 14th Varadero Gourmet International Festival took place at the Plaza América Convention Center, from September 13 to 15, in Cuba's main sun and beach destination, with the participation of 78 exhibitors and 176 delegates, among other professionals in the sector.