CubaPLUS Magazine

Virtual race in support of the fight against Covid-19

By: Cubaplus
Apr 18, 2020
Virtual race in support of the fight against Covid-19

Around a thousand runners will participate in a sort of virtual race summoned by organizers of the Varadero Half Marathon, in support of the fight against the covid-19 pandemic. Countries such as the United States, Spain, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela, in addition to all the regions of Cuba, will be represented in this unique event on Sunday, April 19, in which participants will run or jog in their homes and share the experience in social networks, as a stimulus to the necessary social isolation in these times. Many of them had the intention of attending the third edition of the Varadero Half Marathon, which was to be held in the famous Cuban spa on March 29 and was suspended due to the health situation caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Field and track medalists in the international arena, such as Javier Sotomayor, Ana Fidelia Quirot, Yipsi Moreno, Dayron Robles and María Caridad Colón, have confirmed their participation in the race, summoned by the president of the Cuban Athletics Federation, Alberto Juantorena, Olympic double champion.

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