CubaPLUS Magazine

Gone With The Wind... to Havana

By: Charly Morales Valido
Jul 29, 2017
Gone With The Wind... to Havana

The Cuban Film Archive opened a film screening to remember Vivien Leigh, the Oscar-winning actress from films "Gone With the Wind" and "A Streetcar Named Desire". Half a century after her death, the woman who was Scarlett O'Hara, Blanche DuBois, Cleopatra and Ophelia returns to life thats to the movie magic.


Nobody in Hollywood believed this green eyed British could become a southern girl in the adaptation of Margaret Mitchell's best seller... but she did it. About a decade later, she teamed with star Marlon Brando to blown everyones mind with the version of Tennesse William's play.

Her performances in "The Bridge of Waterloo", "Lady Hamilton", "A Yankee in Oxford" and "Anna Karenina" were breath-taking. But she also did great in theater, even in Broadway, where she won a Tony Award in 1963 for her role in "Tovarich" musical.

But she didn't handled very well her early success: she smoked too much, she slept too little and punished her liver with heavy drinking. TB got her when she was only 32, and offed her at 53, following numerous crises and periods of depression.

The Charles Chaplin's Charlot movie theater, in Havana, will host the film screening dedicated to Leigh, whose romance and marriage to the famous British actor and director Laurence Olivier was also notorious.

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