CubaPLUS Magazine

Marvelin Club a Dream Come True

By: Mercy Ramos / Photos: CubaPLUS Magazine
Marvelin Club a Dream Come True

For Joan Roc, his dreams as a sailor turned into reality when he stopped on this Caribbean island about 4 years ago during a trip around the whole of South America and, without expecting it, fell in love and decided to spend the rest of his life here.

Marvelin Club a Dream Come TrueIn this exclusive interview with Cubaplus, Roc spoke of his passion for Cuba's Eastern region where he lives, and the landscapes he considers completely unique. When you sail along the archipelagoes around the island you feel like you are Christopher Columbus," he says. Here, there are no hotels on the keys, no houses, it is pure nature. Ocean floors and reefs are spectacular, we must be grateful to the Cuban government for its nature preservation policies."

In the context of this philosophy and with the cooperation of Cuban authorities, an agreement was signed in April of this year with Cuba's Marlin Marina and the Marvelin Sailing Club s.I. was founded, to give tourists the opportunity to enjoy eastern Cuba's beautiful costal scenery from a nautical vantage point. Based in Punta Gorda, Santiago de Cuba, Marvelin's yacht Peregrina" sleeps 8 people and offers trips of two to ten days, giving travelers the chance to snorkel, scuba dive and fish as well as to explore some of the many fascinating shipwreck sites that litter the coastline.

Marvelin Club a Dream Come TrueWe also have agreements with the Cuban company Ecotur to combine our nautical tours with adventure trips such as trekking along rivers in the Sierra Maestra and climbing up Pico Turquino, the highest mountain in Cuba at 1,974 meters."

In addition, visitors can spend a day on a farm with local farmers, enjoying horseback rides, exquisite Creole food, learning about local customs, all in all a wonderful and unique experience."

For Roc, the future of Marvelin s.I. is strongly connected to that of Cuba and particularly its environmental conservation policies, with their shared vision of preserving not destroying that which is beautiful, keeping it in tact for future generations.

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