CubaPLUS Magazine

The marvelous charm of the water at the Guayabo waterfall

The marvelous charm of the water at the Guayabo waterfall

The strength and charm of water, with so many benefits brought to mankind, is one of the many attractions for visitors to visit the Guayabo waterfall, one of the highest in Cuba and one of its main natural tourist destinations.

Considered of great ecological importance on the island, the Guayabo is situated at 546 meters above sea level, and is formed by two falls with vertical drops of 85 and 127 meters, respectively, and trails that lead to the top, where the free fall occurs and the two waterfalls meet.

The marvelous charm of the water at the Guayabo waterfall

Located in the municipality of Mayari, in the eastern province of Holguín, it is surrounded by exuberant and attractive vegetation, with 36 species of orchids, 33 of ferns and numerous emergent bushes and trees that rise to between to 15 and 20 meters.

The highly-endemic fauna is varied and includes the tocororo, Cuba's national bird, the cartacuba, the negrito, the royal thrush, the green woodpecker, the longtailed hawk as an endangered species, as well as the Cuban grassquit, the Cuban boa and the hutia; there is also the nightingale, which breeds throughout the year in preserved forests and wellprotected areas, among others.

The area is managed by the Cuban Company for the Protection of Flora and Fauna, marketed for tourism by specialized agency Ecotur, and receives visitors through travel agencies such as Gaviota Tours and Cubatur.

Among the options of the area is the ascent to a viewpoint, along a 1, 200-meter route, through a virgin and intricate tropical forest, scenery that leads down to the bathing area of the waterfalls of this unique Cuban cascade.

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